Strong Feminine Energy

by developer2023
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Hi guys/girlies,

Welcome to our blog 🙂 My name is Chen, I’m the social media manager at MOMA. A bit about me, I’m a second year in marketing communications at the University of Westminster and just started working at MOMA. Some fun facts about me, I only wear purple mascara (you could never catch me in black) and I love baking so maybe if your nice to me I’ll bake you some cookies.

Back to the stuff you wanna hear, let me tell you a bit about us. MOMA is a modern, forward-thinking marketing agency run by some strong feminine energy. We are all about power at MOMA, and who better to lead us than our CEO and founder Christine Kulbas. Christine is originally Estonian and came to London to complete her international marketing degree at guess where .. Westminster, it’s like it was meant to be. Yes, Christine is an alumnus of my University so who better to follow in the footsteps of. Christine also went to Paris to study another degree in fashion and luxury goods marketing. She then collected experience in a range of business ranging from hospitality, finance, fashion and retail (she had her own clothing brand #bringthatback )to running startups. Now she is our lovely CEO running the best marketing agency out there. Fun facts about Christine are that she speaks 5 whole languages and her coffee order is a coconut flat white (when there isn’t wine around).

So let’s get started on week 1 at MOMA. It’s like a love story, not really but let’s pretend, Christine and I met and clicked almost instantly. I loved Christine’s vision and she thought I could do a good job (bit of a one sided love if you’re asking me ).
We then started planning and expanding Christine’s vision for MOMA, building a website, planning a podcast (shhh its a secret) and starting to build MOMA’s brand. Essentially, you guys should all get excited for the things we have in store.

It was so great talking to you guys, thanks for reading and starting to get to know Christine and I (I know you enjoyed it). Don’t worry, there’s so much more to come. People to meet, tips to give and fun to have.

Love MOMA x

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